Another goal for 2013 smashed by me, Vanessa!
It’s been on my list of things to do for about 3 years or so… submit a design for a challenge. I’ve loved the idea, but the actually sitting down and looking at the current design challenge, thinking of an idea and creating the said idea, just never came about. Until yesterday, I just sat down and started sketching on the ipad’s paper53 app and my new bamboo stylus from my parents for Christmas.
The challenge this time is an art print, versus their standard more invitation/greeting card theme. From yesterday, I have a full sketchbook of ideas, but the one I created for my first submission was the most solid design, one that I could see it in a lot of little nurseries. Here is what I created…
Now I need all my lovely family and friends to go check it out and vote for me – yes please! I’m hopefully going to try to submit a few more ideas before the deadline on January 31, then voting begins. Critique, comment and when voting begins, vote! Here is the link to my design “Bowtie Essential“