Drew: 24. MSOE graduate, now working for Milwaukee Electric Tool as a Mechanical Engineer. Grad student at Marquette. Lover of video games and books.
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Vanessa: 25. Graphic/Web designer at Holland Bulb Farms and other ecommerce sites. Lover of diy projects for the home and garden.
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We were married in June 2010, now watch how our lives are merging as we experience life together as not-so-new-newlyweds! As of lately, we’ve conquered the tasks of surviving while Drew was finishing up school, starting new jobs, purchased a house, and now we are in the midst of turning it into our dream home.
Mostly this blog is so we can look back on it someday, but we hope you enjoy it too!
Drew & Vanessa
All photos copyright Vanessa Wyler unless noted. If you wish to use an image, please contact me for permission first.