Let me start off with I’ve NEVER won anything really. Like most people you enter occasional giveaways and contests and pray you win, but you usually don’t. Yup that’s me. Soo because that’s my usual experience, I was completely surprised to find out I won The Tile Shop’s Pin it Contest.
While looking for pin it contest examples for work, I came across the Tile Shop’s contest and figured I’d enter because hey I could use some tile! I’m also familiar with the shop because I bought our kitchen penny tile from them + I’ve seen them on some of my favorite bloggers, YHL, BowerPower and House*Tweaking. So that day, I spent my lunch hour pinning images that were giving me some inspiration for our bathroom, kitchen and entryway. Yesterday, I got an email from Pinterest saying I’d been tagged – only to realize it was The Tile Shop announcing the winner of the $500 gift card. Then I saw my face plastered on all their social media outlets AND the front page of their website. So Crazy – I had to take a screenshot to document it!
To say I’m ecstatic is an understatement. I’m pretty pumped to decide how I’m going to spend my $500 worth of tile. Since we already have our backsplash tile for our kitchen, I’m thinking we will purchase some tile for our bathroom floor and our entry way. Our bathroom needs a lot of TLC, right now it’s got linoleum flooring and the current shower tiles are so 80s. I also have a feeling there is some moisture behind the shower wall since the grout was cracked in a lot of areas when we purchased our home. So, an entire re-do would be awesome! Plus, we have this weird step-up to the tub. I’d love to get rid of it, and to do that we’d also have to redo the floor. Here’s what I mean…
I’d love to do a penny tile floor (I hear it feels like walking on scales!) and add some classic subway tile in the shower. I don’t think this will be our forever home since it’s our first home, so I’m always thinking about how the things we do will help resale value.
Next, our entryway currently has some ceramic tile – but it’s soo not our style. It’s a square rustic-y tile. While it’s great for hiding dirt, I feel like the tile is always dirty and pretty much grosses me out. And since we’re laying wood flooring in our kitchen, we were thinking we’d find similar vintage hickory faux wood tile and put that in the entry way to match. It’s separated by a few stairs, so I think it may work well! Here’s how our current tile looks…
Here are some photos to help you better understand my vision and some photos that show it in action…(via House*Tweaking and Houzz)
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