Goals for 2013

The first of every year is a good time to reflect on what’s working for you and what’s not… what you had hoped to do in the past 365 days and what you forgotten about. I’m not one for making resolutions, but instead setting some realistic goals. So before I crank out the list for this year, let’s see how we came out in 2012…

1. Pay off Vanessa’s School Loansliterally finished this on the 31st
2. Take a vacationcruise!
3. Save up for a down payment on a house! – check and we bought one, so we should get bonus points
4. Get better at doing our laundry and keeping our house cleanso so on this, could use improvement still
5. Go rock climbing together – fail 🙁
6. Start to pay off Drew’s loans – Luckily we don’t have to start paying these until 1/8/13

1. Graduate MSOE
2. Start at Milwaukee Tool
3. RelaxTook the past 11 days off, I’d say he’s relaxed

1. Read a book in entiretyHunger Games 1 & 2
2. Blog more to document our livesSee for yourself
3. Sew something
4. Do less freelance

Now for 2013
1. Save up 3-6 months salary for our emergency fund
2. Pay off 1/3 of Drew’s school loans
3. Invite people over more to hang out as couples
4. Get a laundry schedule together – and fold after washing, not 2 weeks later
5. Go on a mini-vacation somewhere close

1. Start Grad school in the Fall
2. Go to China for work
3. Hang out with my brother-in-laws more

1. Enter a Minted design contest
2. Get my design etsy shop up and running
3. Get my car washed more
4. Finish updating my freelance website in hopes to do more this year
5.  Sew something
6. Draw/sketch more
7. Visit my sisters in MN and IL

1. Finish painting trim white throughout house
2. Start and finish kitchen remodel
3. Update upstairs bathroom

Fingers crossed we can stick to these goals!

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