Surprise Surprise, I’ve already got the babies room figured out what I want to do design-wise. Here is what the room looks like currently. It’s kind of been a catch all room while we work on all of our other projects.
We’ll be keeping the same wall color, however we’ll need to repaint the ceiling since there is a couple spots on it and we didn’t do that when we first moved in. We’ll also keep the yellow dresser and desk, as well as the gray rug and striped curtains.
Here is the overall look we’re going for…
My parents already said they’d buy us a crib, and we’re going to get the same one my sister has. We love the modern look and it fits in with the rest of our home, style-wise. The rest of the stuff in the photo are just an example of the look we’re going for. We also aren’t theme people, so there is no nursery theme, just a mix of patterns and colors – keeping it gender neutral so we can re-use the room say we have a few kids down the line.
I’ve also started a pinterest board for the baby. Actually I’ve had it for awhile, but I just now made it “non-secret”. Ha soooo sneaky are we.
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