32 Weeks

And we’re at 32 weeks now!

People have been asking me how my pregnancy has been and if I enjoy it. Honestly, it doesn’t feel all too different, except I’m starting to get a bit more uncomfortable with her head in my ribs and trying to do things like bending over.  It is fun to feel her move around though, and I’m guessing I’ll miss that, but I think having her outside my body will be great too, ha. My doctor recently told me that most of her patients by time they get to delivery are willing to tackle labor because they just want their own bodies back, I’m sure I’ll agree.

I’ve been starting to think about what I all need to pack in the hospital bag and thanks to pinterest I’ve found a million lists. I also took a look at what newborn sized clothes we have for her and see what we want her to wear at the hospital and wear home. Here are my picks so far… (the chambray and pink striped outfit is what she’ll go home in). Target for the win!

31 Weeks

Today marks 31 weeks!

We’re just about two months away from meeting our little girl and is still hard to believe we are so close! This week I made a master list of things we’d like to get done before she arrives. Things like finishing the bathroom, re-installing door knobs on all of our doors, finishing the nursery and fitting in lots of date nights!

This past Thursday I had an ultrasound to double check her size, since my bump seems to be measuring small. Turns out she’s right on track around 3 lbs. We got a couple new profile shots as well as witnessed a few of her yawns. She was also still breech. We’ll see what my dr says this week, but she definitely has time to still turn around!

One of my next things to also check out are some books and methods to figuring out a sleeping/eating routine. I’ve heard great things about the Baby Wise book. One thing I know is with both of us working, we’ll definitely appreciate getting on a schedule asap as well as getting her to sleep through the night.

30 Weeks!

How in the world am I at 30 weeks already!? It seems like time is flying by faster and faster, I just hope it stops when our little girl arrives.

Even though everyone says “you’re so tiny” I’m really starting to get uncomfortable as she gets bigger and stronger each day.. I’m tiny too. I’ve had this weird tingly/numb/burning pain right on the top of my bump for a week or so and has been hurting non-stop. We learned at our 3D ultrasound that it’s because her head is right up there in my ribs (ouch!). Also, because she was breech and we couldn’t get good images of her face, we’ll get to go back and try again once she flips. I’m already trying a million things to flip her just so that I am not in pain anymore.

This past week at my prenatal doctors appointment, my belly was measuring small (at 25 weeks), so we’ll go in again this week for an ultrasound where they’ll measure everything just to double check. We’re not too concerned, I think it’s just a combination of my size, her petite size, her crazy position, and having a lower amount of fluid (still normal, but on the low end of the range).

The countdown is on 10 more weeks, oh wow we have soooo much to do!

29 Weeks

Baby girl is 29 weeks today!

From what they say, she weighs about 2.75 lbs and 17 inches long. This week I’ll have a normal check up, get to celebrate my 25th birthday and see her in 3d/4d! I’m hoping we can see some facial features and see who she looks like more, Drew or I.

One of my friends growing up, Heather, is also prego and was in town for her baby shower. She’s 20 weeks, I’m 29 weeks here. It’s so fun being pregnant at the same time as friends!

28 Weeks

Baby girl is 28 weeks along!

Every day it seems she moves more and more around, it’s so fun! I’ve been trying to catch a video of my belly moving (visible from the outside) but just about the time I press record on my phone she’s done.

This week was fun to play with all the things we got from the shower and put it all away in the nursery. We just about opened all the big “toys” aka – stroller, car seat, pack n play, rock n play, monitor and more just to check it all out. Right now a lot of it’s stashed in our spare guest room, so hopefully it can hang out there for a bit until it’s warm enough to clean our our garage and find places for it.

I figured I’d also share some updated nursery photos since we added some things to the room from the shower… like the quilt and bumpers my mom made, the changing pad, books to the shelves, and the crib skirt that I made this week.

Baby Shower

Saturday was my baby shower and holy cow this little girl was blessed with lots of great stuff! I’m so thankful for everyone that was able to make it and spend time celebrating our soon to be daughter!

Here’s a quick recap of the shower…

Everything was pink!

I had two cute helpers…

My mom made this quilt for baby girl…

My grandma made this sheep blanket for baby girl…

From left to right, Serah is due in July, Me in June and Becky in May. I need to start growing!Thanks to everyone who helped with food, decor, drinks, dessert and for blessing our little soon to be family of three! Special shout out to my mom, sisters and mother-in-law for planning everything!

I couldn’t wait to show Drew everything. Ha so this is what our house looked like the next day, and I’m still working on finding spots for everything!

27 Weeks

Baby girl is 27 weeks!

Since my sister was home this week, we figured we’d try a photo together, since we tried it at 16 weeks too.

This week was eventful in that I had to do the glucose challenge at my doctors appointment. The drink itself wasn’t terrible it was waiting to get my blood drawn and feeling like I was going to pass out and throw up was the terrible part. Even getting my blood drawn wasn’t that terrible! I woke up and saw that my test results were ready and so glad I passed it with a 121 (140 is the cut off and then you have to do the 3 hour test).

Otherwise my doctors appointment went well, I’ve gained a total of 12 lbs so far and feeling good. Today’s my baby shower and I’m super excited!


26 Weeks

Today marked 26 weeks and yea the bun on the top of my head is looking weird, oh well!

I’m definitely getting people saying “I like your bump” so I must be officially looking pregnant. Woot.

I get mixed reviews if I’m in my third trimester or not, but either way I’m there or super close. And we’re officially in the double digits as far as countdown goes – 98 days left! This week I have my glucose test, wish me luck as I HATE getting blood drawn. If I have to do the three hour one, I’m not sure what I’ll do 🙁

25 Weeks

Baby girl is 25 weeks today! This week she is weighing 1.5 lbs and is growing hair and nails. And hooray people are finally saying that I look pregnant!

We crossed a few things off our to-do list in her room, we re-hung the lanterns and paper flowers, hung one art canvas and hung a few book shelves. Still lots to do, but we’re slowly making progress. Here are a few updated shots…(and no her name is not Olivia, and no that heart-garland isn’t staying there).

I also took a shot of how she’ll see it as she is rocked…

24 Weeks

Our baby girl is 24 weeks old! She officially weighs over 1 lb. and is kicking like crazy.

Feeling her move inside is probably the weirdest and craziest feeling all at once. I think for the most part she’s sitting breech and kicking me in my bladder, but yesterday I felt her flip and she was kicking up real high.

My sister and I worked on some crafts for both of our girls rooms today, I was working on making a mobile, like this one. Holy circles to cut out!