It is crazy. Drew and I have been married for one month. Holy cow does time fly when were having fun. We’ve been enjoying getting to know each 0ther. But it’s been a great change in our lives. Because I’ve been behind on keeping this blog updated, here is a little recap of our first month being MARRIED!
We went on an amazing honeymoon. Had our first theft incident, but none the less, still madly in love and had a great time.
Went to a brewers game the day after we got back from mexico with my family.
We’ve brought home our kitty eddy and he cried like a baby all night.
Watched construction on a building progress outside our patio door.
Did our first DIY project for our home.
Set up our wii and made our miis.
Found Drew a salad dressing recipe that is suppose to be the same as Olive Gardens.
Saw fireworks twice, once at the lakefront and another time with our friends Gabe and Serah!
And finally, began setting up and organizing our apartment. (more photos to come)
Also, we’ve gone to 1 wedding. Fed Drew lots of good meals. Watched 6 movies. Ate at Moes approximately three times. Went grocery shopping 3 times. Swam in our new pool twice. And that’s all I can think of right now.