Say what? 10 months old? No way…
This past month this little baby girl turned into a little girl with a huge personality, if you can’t tell by the photo above. Introducing her “silly face” 🙂 She loves to make it!
She probably weighs about 16 lbs (she doesn’t go to the doctor until 12 months old), is wearing 9 month clothes, size 2 diapers (3 when she goes to bed). She is a great sleeper, sleeping about 10-12 hours per night and pretty good about naps, though she has her days. She is crawling around all over the place and getting into trouble. She does respond well to the word “no” and is talking like crazy. Some of her favorite words are “dada”, “baba”, “eh-yee” (eddy), “lala” but of course hasn’t gotten “mama” yet.
Since she’s been crawling she works up an appetite and has become a great eater. She loves it when we share our food and loves to eat finger food but still eats baby food great. Her favorites are carrots, bananas, and turkey – but loves snacks like cheerios, crackers, and puffs.
Also now that she’s crawling she plays much better since she goes exploring – which resulted in us finishing another baby gate! She’s also starting to pull up on everything. Last but not least she gives us kisses back. We so love this little girl!
And a day in the life of this silly girl…
Emerald – 10 Months from vanessa torweihe on Vimeo.