Any day now our family and friends will find our Christmas card in their mail and will probably head on over here to check and see what we are up to on our blog and see all about our house! So hello! if you are here from the card. I’ll have some fun updates coming in the next few days, so check back!
Even though it is not the end of the year, quite yet, I thought I’d do a quick year in review for you all! So 2012 was a great year overall, so many exciting things to look forward to and enjoy. We are so thankful for amazing family who make life fun and interest and new and old friends who we can laugh with until it hurts. We are so blessed and are thankful for each one of you.
2012 in Review
We had the joy of welcoming our first niece – She is getting cuter by the day! See more about Reese’s first days
Drew graduated from MSOE and started full-time at Milwaukee Electric Tool as an engineer. See photos from Drew’s graduation
Went on our first cruise to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary – we traveled to Miami, Key West and Cozumel. View all our cruise photos
We bought a House! So all the fun stuff that comes with it such as moving, decorating and having a mortgage. See more house photos and our plans to make it our own. Lots more daily tidbits on Vanessa’s instagram.
We loved 2012, as it brought us lots of exciting things and new challenges… a bigger house to clean, both now working full time jobs with not so much free time, and a nice tan (or sunburn) which has definitely faded by now… all challenges that are nothing compared to what most are facing today. We are truly blessed and for one reason only, Jesus. There is simply no other way to explain why we are where we are today than that. Drew and I both can agree that we’re not perfect and we have our days, and if we relied on just ourselves, there is no way we’d be here. Simple as that. When you sit and look back, it’s a wonderful life we live and we’re so thankful we get to live it.
Merry Christmas!