Pinterest Did: I Love You Frame

Not too long ago I saw this awesome idea on pinterest to buy a frame, print off a sheet of paper, and use a dry erase marker to write reasons why you love each other to your special someone. For Valentine’s Day I made one for Drew and I, and we’ve been using it quite often. It’s just a fun little reminder to express to each other that we love them and some of those special reasons – heartwarming or just fun.

Here is the original  idea from A Content Housewife:
a content housewife i love you because frame

Here is my version I made for Drew, and how I’ve used it:
i love you because you kill bugs for me

To make our version, I bought a 4×6 frame from Walmart for $1 and then I designed the photo/print out myself. Then put inside the frame and found a dry erase marker we had laying around our house.

Our friend Serah asked for a copy of the download to make for her husband, and I thought others would appreciate it as well! To make your own, I included a copy for you to download and print off, and put inside any 4×6 frame! Click here the image below for a high res version!

I love you frame download freebie 4x6


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