Things are up and down, up and down – like Valleys and Hills.
The valley is, we decided to pass on Cherry Hill due to the fact the seller won’t even counter us on the price – which I think is very stupid in his book, but oh well. There are plenty more houses out on the market. The house and yard needed a lot of TLC and Drew and I agreed we wanted to go in low if we were to get this house. Otherwise it wasn’t worth it for us.
The hill is, remember our first open house on Partridge Ct in Pewaukee? Well, after we declined Cherry Hill, we looked at two more houses that we liked. One was in Brookfield, a tri-level, but the downfall was the small yard and the radiant heating. Then we headed over to Partridge in Pewaukee and were so glad we took a second look. When we first looked, we were more looking for fun, and not serious at all. The more we thought about the house, the more we remembered how much we liked it.
So – we put in an offer! Our buyers agent is actually the listing agent on this property, so again things are moving quickly. This time we are dealing with another offer. However, the other offer is contingent on her selling her home. Sadly, we are praying she doesn’t get an offer in the next 72 hours or decides to have two mortgages. If she walks away – it should be ours!
We’re going to put in our 6o days notice on our apartment and pray that all this works out! This Rocket Summer song came on the other day on shuffle, and basically sum up this “hills and valley” period.