The day is here – can’t believe our baby is one years old. Does that mean we can’t call her a baby anymore?! I was so sad the few days prior, basically in denial that she was going to be one. But the actual day of her birthday it was so fun to celebrate her little life (and that we survived our first year of parenthood)!
The past year we didn’t know what to expect (what new parent does?). She definitely turned our world upside, but in the best way possible, she is one of the best things to have happened to us and we love her more than she could possibly imagine.
The day of her birthday we both took off of work to celebrate. We got her up and let her play with balloons in her crib. Next, up donuts for breakfast (on her birthday plate), then time for opening presents! She got two baby dolls, two books, a beach ball and a teepee! She made out pretty good!
Then it was nap time followed by a quick lunch at home and we headed to the zoo. I think she noticed the animals a bit more this time, but it’s hard to tell! We also rode the train which she loved. Then we headed to Olive Garden for dinner since she loves breadsticks, then we let her smash some cake, but she was so tired, she could have couldn’t have cared less. Oh well, Happy Birthday baby girl, we love you soo much! We are so thankful we get to be your parents!
We hope to keep up some of these birthday traditions, like making them a special birthday plate, taking off work and doing something fun!
And since we love capturing every.waking.moment in either photos or videos, here is Emerald’s first year, it went so fast!