Photo Friday: Growing Leaves

So I made this succulent garden awhile back and one of them was super overgrown that I had to cut it back. However I did a little googling and found that you can grow new succulents from their leaves, who knew? You just have to…

1. Carefully remove leaves.
2. Let them lay out to dry for a few days and hopefully the leaf callus-over and start to form new roots.
3. After a few days, put them in soil like this photo and spray them with a mist of a water bottle so they don’t dry out and shrivel up.
4. Keep checking on them for root growth and once they’ve got that established you can replant and grow a new succulent… I’ll let you know if this works!

If this does work, I was thinking of making small succulent gardens for my mom for mother’s day and also for my sisters.

Here are a few resources on leaf propagation (the official term)…
Mr. Brown Thumb
Martha Stewart
Straight from the Garden