Yesterday we celebrated Drew’s 22nd birthday. We went to our favorite, Chilis for dinner and then went to Yo Mama’s for some yummy frozen yogurt. PS if you haven’t tried Yo Mamas yet, you are missing out!
Category Archives: Married Life
Spring Blooms 2012
Spring made an early appearance this year in March, which I love. However I think it did have a negative effect on the flower bulbs I was forcing from work (Holland Bulb Farms). We did get lots of colorful additions to our indoors, however some refused to open due to the lack of cold temps. But here are some photos of the blooms that graced our apartment – Can’t wait until I have an actual garden!
I also helped my mom plant lots of bulbs in the fall – so I’ve been stopping over at my parents often to take a look at what’s blooming there:
Photo Friday: 6 Years
House Buying Planning
So at the beginning of the year, we knew we’d be able to finish off my student loans in June, and then thought it was a good idea to replace my car, the lovely Saturn ion. It has for sure had it’s days and I wouldn’t mind an upgrade with power locks, windows and cruise control!
But as we thought about it more, and after my dad was able to make my car a bit less sketchy, we decided that saving to buy a house would be more logical in the end. My car only has 70,000 miles on it and gets great gas mileage and with the whole $4/gallon that also seemed like a good idea to keep it.
So here’s where we are at: keeping the good ol’ Staurn, and now saving for a down payment for our first house!
Photo Friday: Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day was a few days ago, and Drew and I went to PF Changs for dinner (mainly because we had a giftcard from Christmas)! He got me this really cute d & v ring, that I saw on etsy. I love it! PS if you want one, you can order your own ring here from Amy Cornwell:
Photo Friday: Eddy the Bookwarm
Goals 2012
With the start of the new year comes new goals, not just new years resolutions, but real life goals. Here are some of our biggest goals this year:
1. Pay off Vanessa’s School Loans
2. Take a vacation
3. Save up for a down payment on a house!
4. Get better at doing our laundry and keeping our house clean
5. Go rock climbing together
6. Start to pay off Drew’s loans
1. Graduate MSOE
2. Start at Milwaukee Tool
3. Relax
1. Read a book in entirety
2. Blog more to document our lives
3. Sew something
4. Do less freelance
Christmas 2011
The New Year is just 1 day away and I can honestly say this has been a great year – great jobs for both Drew and I, and are blessed with great family and friends.
For Christmas Drew and I got to spend time with both families, Drew’s Mom on Christmas Eve Day, then we attended the Life Church Christmas Eve service, then following we went over to my Uncle Scott and Aunt Kathy’s home. Then Christmas Day, Drew and I slept in, ate Monkey Muffins and opened presents. After, we went to Drew’s dad for brunch, then my parent’s house for dinner and to watch the Packer Game.
Also, some exciting news – Becky and Josh announced what they are having – a girl!
Christmas Traditions 2011
Last year we decided to make cookies and spell out Merry Christmas 2010, sooo we continued with the tradition this year and made cut out cookies spelling Merry Christmas 2011. We also decided to make m&m pretzel rings – yummmm! I love those way better than the cookies.
Also, take a peek at our decorations – they didn’t change much from last year, but it’s still fun to decorate!
Thanksgiving 2011
This year for Thanksgiving, we split time between the two families. On Sunday, we went to Drew’s moms house to eat turkey. Then on Thursday, Drew and I went to his dad’s house to watch the Packers beat the Lions. After the game, we headed over to my parents house to eat Thanksgiving dinner there. As usual, that means craziness with the cousins.
After we recovered from our turkey coma, Melissa, Jess, and my Mom went out shopping for Black Friday. We began the adventure at 9pm and finally concluded at 6am and crashed. I was very happy to have Friday off of work!