How is it already December already? It seems like we all were just making our new years resolutions and our little baby was still immobile! 2015 was pretty great for us, we made it a priority to create family time, no matter where we were – at home, at the park, or at the beach. Here’s what we’ve been up to…
Drew – He’d describe his year filled with intense, fast paced projects at Milwaukee Tool and lots of homework while he works on getting his masters at Marquette. He also traveled to China twice this year, but is always glad to come home!
Vanessa – Focused on improving her photography this year and launched her own photography business during the summer. She’s also works part-time as a graphic designer at an e-commerce company.
Emerald – She learned to eat real food, crawl, walk, talk and well has turned into a little human and is no longer quite a baby. She keeps us on our toes, but are so thankful for how much joy and laughter and craziness she brings to our home. Some of her favorite things this year were: the beach, walks, swings, splashing water, bubble guppies and trying to take ornaments off the tree.
We can’t wait to see what 2016 brings!