Last pregnancy I documented week by week starting at 13 weeks, and it’s so fun to look back now, that I’m determined to document this one similarly…
I’m hoping to do the same weekly shot with some fun lifestyle shots of our family and bump every now and then – I’m giving myself a break and not making that part weekly! Since it’s winter, most days we stay in our PJs and play which is great right now while my energy is just starting to return. There’s been a couple days though I’ve felt so achy and feel like I’m moving like a sloth. Trying to remember to rest!
Morning sickness really hasn’t been an issue, I’ve just been keeping my tummy from being empty. I’ve only thrown up once and I think it was more related to acid reflux and brushing my teeth.
Every time I show Em that there is a baby growing in my belly, she just tries to pull my shirt down or push my belly button. Not quite sure she’s understanding any of what we are saying about the baby yet. She does tend to think the baby will be a brother, though we asked her what we should name it and she suggested “Mia” – probably because Molly from Bubble Guppies had a little sister name that – sorry Em, that’s not on our list 😉
Hopefully this baby will love ring-around-the-rosy…